One of the most popular payment methods in the United States is credit or debit cards. Consumers can use their cards to pay for just about anything, anywhere. Have you ever wondered how funds make it from your customer’s wallet to your account? Believe it or not, they don’t just magically transfer on their own. Credit card processors like Electronic Merchant Systems work behind the scenes to monitor the funds that come in and go out from your business and make sure you get paid.
Electronic Merchant Systems is an industry-leading merchant services provider that has offered reliable, secure payment processing solutions to merchants like you since 1988. It’s our job to protect your business from fraud and risk, help you realize your full business potential, and assist in growing your financial well-being. We know that every merchant has different credit card processing needs, which is why we offer numerous payment acceptance options. We believe that credit card processing should be an affordable payment solution for any business.
We are a Level 1 PCI-compliant service provider and all of our payment processing terminals are equipped to handle NFC and EMV-chip card payments. No matter what processing option you choose, you can rest assured that payments will always be handled with care and security. |
To read first-hand accounts from happy EMS customers, check out our 4.7 star rating from 850+ Google reviews. If you would like to learn more about partnering with Electronic Merchant Systems for your credit card processing needs, please contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you. |
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250 W. Huron Rd., Suite 400
Cleveland, OH 44113