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October 08, 2020

How to Maximize the Potential of Your Verticals

Cole Godsey

Written by:

Cole Godsey

How to Maximize the Potential of Your Verticals

Maximize the Potential of Your Verticals

Do you want to make a good living selling merchant accounts, products, and services? Of course you do! If you didn't, you wouldn't be reading this blog post right now.

Whether you're an experienced Agent or new to the game, there is always room to improve the experience you offer to your merchants. This, in turn, will help you increase your earnings and grow your business. 

So, how do you get started? Right here. Keep reading to explore four tips on how to maximize the potential of your verticals, improve customer experiences, and increase your earnings. 

Selling Merchant Account

4 Tips to Help You Grow Your Earnings & Career


1. Understand your merchants’ pain points.

Once you determine which verticals to focus on, you can study the industries you have selected and their unique pain points. Then, craft a sales pitch that demonstrates your solution's unique ability to minimize or eliminate these pain points.

For example, if your merchant wants to save time, talk about how a POS terminal can help them not only save time during the transaction, but also after the day is done by simplifying the accounting process.


2. Offer a variety of products.

If you want to take full advantage of a specific vertical, you need to offer a wide variety of products to fit the diverse needs of those merchants now and in the future. It’s a lot more expensive to sign a new merchant than it is to retain a current one, so it is wise to stay in touch with current merchants and make additional product suggestions that align with their growth.

For instance, let’s say you already supplied a tablet-based point of sale solution to an ice cream parlor. After speaking with the owner on several occasions, you learn that the parlor's goal for the upcoming season is to promote customer loyalty. So, you suggest that they implement a gift and loyalty card program, which you are equipped to offer.


3. Leverage an infrastructure of support.

As an Agent, the company you choose to partner with is an important business decision. After all, if you want to maximize your verticals, you need a solid infrastructure of support to help you.

At Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS), we support our Agents by offering a suite of solutions such as: an innovative portfolio management system, multiple sponsor banks for fast approvals, and dedicated relationship managers who adhere to a 'sundown policy' for responding to requests and questions. Plus, we also provide 24/7/365 live, professional customer support for you and your merchants. Since the merchant support team is an extension of the services you provide, it is an important consideration. You don’t want your hard work negated by an unreliable company with poor customer service.


4. Choose an innovative Agent Program.

If you want to truly maximize your verticals and increase your earning potential, you need to partner with a provider who will put you first. Choose an organization that lets you focus on building merchant relationships and maximizing verticals, while also encouraging your professional development.

As an EMS Agent, you have that ability. We have over thirty year of experience serving merchants and partnering with savvy, motivated individuals like you. Trust EMS to provide you with: 

  • A simple, transparent deal process
  • More approvals, faster thanks to our multiple sponsor banks
  • Better reporting to help you grow your business
  • Innovative portfolio management tools
  • Premium products, services, and solutions
  • Expedited funding - the fastest in the industry
  • Enhanced responsiveness

Click here to visit our Green Sheet Spotlight Innovator page and read additional details.

For more information, call (866) 525-7405 or email, and connect with us on LinkedIn.Merchant Relationships

Specializing in a specific vertical allows you to focus more completely on that industry and the merchants within it. You will better understand the pain points of your target merchants if you jump into their industry with both feet. In turn, you will be better prepared to not only identify their needs, but successfully meet them and maximize your earning potential. Choose an excellent Agent Program to back you up, and you'll be on your way to exponential career growth in no time. 

For more tips to help you in your Agent career, check out these posts:

How to Make Connections and Generate Leads Without Tradeshows

5 Tips for Building Your Action Plan for Success

How to be the Trusted Expert Merchants Need Right Now

Electronic Merchant Systems is a leading provider of payment processing & merchant services. For more information please visit our website.

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